Comet C/1901 G1 (Viscara)

Lightcurve of C/1901 G1 (Viscara)
The orbital elements of C/1901 G1 (Viscara) (source: MPC Ephemeris Service)
q (perihelion distance) 0.244812
a (semi-major axes) 2205070463951731.200000
e (eccentricity) 1.000000
ω (argument of perihelion) 203.0522
Ω (Longitude of ascending node) 111.0333
i (inclination) 131.0770
P (Orbital period in years) 103550257919201850000000.0000
T (time of perihelion passage) 1901-04-24 18:01:10
Epoch 1901 Apr 28
Reference , MPC orbital elements
Magnitude parameteres (source: Orbital elements)
Absolute magnitude 9.0
Slope parameter 4.0
Ephemeris of C/1901 G1 (Viscara) for location Crni Vrh Observatory (latitude: 45.94583; longitude: 14.07111; elevation: 726.0)


The site uses Minor Planet Ephemeris Service to generate perturbed ephemerides for comets.
Comet magnitudes are calculated based on derived magnitude parameters from the latest available observations in the COBS database.


RA right ascension in hours
Dec declination in degrees
Delta distance between comet and Earth (AU)
r distance between comet and Sun (AU)
El elongation - the angle between the Sun and comet
Ph percent of surface illuminated
Mag magnitude - brightness estimate