Fix: #314 Exclude faint or not accurate observations when calculating magnitude parameters
New: #323 Send notification to admin about a reported observation New: #324 Send notification to user about when report issue is closed New: MPC compacted designation added to JSON respons of Planner API Fix: #351 MPC compacted designation should include the orbit type Fix: #344 links to finding charts for periodic comets were wrong
New: #237 Fit light-curve on heliocentric magnitude plot Fix: User registration form observatory select bug
Fix: #339 MyObservations and MyGroup page not displaying tail length unit Fix: #340 ICQ line output wrong position of decimal point for tail length
Fix: #319 Observation Method and Reference catalogue not mandatory if magnitude is not given
New: #213 Option to report observations with potential issues Fix: #304 COBS UserProfile: Association field set as not mandatory Fix: #307 Comet API: Alternative designation could not be turned off
New: #298 Display Comet observation optimal latitude New: #301 Cobs Ephemeris serivce: option to select motion unit and motin type New: #302 Cobs Planner: Generate ephemeris for selected comets
New: #176 COBS Ephemeris service
Fix: #283 Add number validation to the magnitude form field on Comet List page Fix: #293 Add fixed table headers
Fix: #287 Update orbital elements task source selection Fix: #289 Comet Admin: Add filter by type Fix: #290 Add object type 'D' and 'X'
Fix: #285 COBS Observation API fix Fix: #282 Link to Finding Charts not working
New: #278 Cobs Comet List: Add filter for comet magnitude and comet observed/active status
New: #268 Add MPC packed designation to the Comets. Enable comet search with MPC packed designation on Comet List site and Cobs API.
Fix: #270 Cobs Comet List datetime fields initialized after datatables initial ajax call Fix: #274 Cobs Elements API: Invalid integer value provided
Fix: #266 COBS Observation form: Date field is not working Fix: #91 My Association table export to ICQ
New: #260 Add Amateur astronomical twilight at Sun elevation -15 deg to Cobs Planner New: #99 Add option to APIs to filter according to comets current magnitude New: Cobs Comets list displays current magnitude, perihelion magnitude and peak magnitude updated daily
Fix: #252 Datatables shows only 100 entries even if the page length is changed
New: #157 MPC Observatory locations used at User Profile and Cobs Planner
Fix: #234 Cobs Planner: Wrong best date for locations on south Fix: #10 Cobs Planner: Option to enter other locations as well
Fix: #253 Elements API returns HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error New: #254 Elements API enable filter for individual comet
New: #41 COBS Cookie consent barr and Cookie Policy page
Fix: #244 Wrong alignment of coma diameter larger than 10
Fix: #239 Upgrade of Django environment
Fix: #193 Observation validation for ICQ observation date
Fix: #106 Cobs Planner: Error when nautical twighlight event is not happening.
Fix: #235 Users Admin: Enable export
New: #173 Cobs Planner API. Fix: #231 Include instrument aperture and focal ratio in the admin view.
Fix: #140 Cobs Planner wrong comet position.
New: Admin Observations autocomplete fields
New: #223 Admin Users filter by ICQ code
Fix: #217 Observation table on analysis page not showing different colors for observation lines
Fix: #214 MyObservation export to ICQ not including the To Date Fix: #216 Comet visibility note not exported in ICQ format
Fix: #203 MyObservation page link to comparison bug Fix: dataTables default max page size Fix: Delete observation redirect bug
Fix: #200 Tail length units Fix: ICQ line export SkyQuality method value bug
Fix: #195 First page observed comet count
New: #104 Statistics page links to observation table New: #107 Observation API and Comet List API result pagination New: #131 Observation API excel export with delta, r
New: #177 Added export source to ICQ format line
New: #174 Submit form bug
New: #155 Multiple Form preset configuration option
New: #98 Orbital elements API - magnitude parameters calculated from observations New: #165 Comet API - output of physical parameters (total magnitude and slope)
Fix: #163 More precise explanation of user profile location (resident location not observing location) Fix: #164 Resident location name and country mandatory for registration Fix: #169 Form prefill option excluded from the registration form.
Fix: #161 Statistics page total count bug
New: #159 Version number from database
Fix: #156 Recent observation page: Sort the observation
Fix: #151 COBS Planner near parabolic orbit error
Admin tables update
Fix: #137 User profile edit bug
New: #84 Enable automatic database/mediafiles backup to remote storage location
New: #127 Analysis page filter or compare observations
Fix: #125 Unify chart legend
New: #122 Additional parameters for Observation API
Fix: #105 Comet planner day events names
New: #110 Additional parameters for Observation API
Fix: #115 Update of comet orbital elements bug Fix: #118 Comet magnitude parameter calculation update bug
Fix: #101 Fix email unique Fix: #102 Fix first_name and last_name reqiured
Fix: Analysis table missing columns
Fix: ICQ format of comment information part Fix: Default sort on My Observations page Fix: Submit observation after removal
Fix: Search field on MyObservations and MyAssociation pages
Fix: ICQ format alignment fix
Fix: Observation API default observation sort Fix: ICQ format misalignment issue Fix: Observation API error 500 bug
New: PayPal donations menu link added
Fix: MyObservations edit observation bug Fix: Comet and Observation API accepts comet fragment if ICQ name is provieded (example: 0073a)
Fix: Association/Country comparison chart
Fix: Optimization of monthly digest report
Fix: ICQ format Server error 500 bug
Fix: Export recent observations to ICQ formated file.
New: Release notes page
Fix: Rounding of magnitude y-axis Fix: Alignment of secondary axes ticks Fix: x-axis localization, color theme, y-axis label color
New: API for orbital elements retrieval
New: Icon for comparison of user observations for specific comet
Fix: Enabled per site caching Fix: Disabled animation on chart.js load
New: Analysis charts exportable to PNG New Watermark on analysis charts
Fix: Allow pages to open in iframes
Fix: Admin lists users default sort and last_login field Fix: Admin lists comets default sort Fix: Admin lists observations error 500 bug Fix: Admin lists removed import/export
Initial COBS release