We performed follow-up measurements of this object while it was still on the PCCP webpage.
Stacking of 55 unfiltered exposures, 10 seconds each, obtained remotely on 2020, April 27.4 from X02 (Telescope Live, Chile) through a 0.6-m f/6.5 astrograph + CCD, shows that this object is a comet with a diffuse coma about 1' arcmin in diameter.
MPEC 2020-H220, assigns the following preliminary parabolic orbital elements to comet C/2020 H2: T 2020 Apr. 27.62; e= 1.0; Peri. = 26.76; q = 0.83; Incl.= 125.04
by Ernesto Guido, Marco Rocchetto & Adriano Valvasori