ZWO ASI Camera type keys

June 08, 2020
In order to unify the camera type abbreviation keys of all ZWO ASI camera models, we had to change some of the currently used camera type keys.

Here is the list of new keys:

Camera type key Camera model Comment
ZMN ZWO ASI Monochorme Not cooled (MM and MM Mini models) Replaces the Z12 key for ZWO ASI 120MM
ZMP ZMP ZWO ASI Monochorme Pro cooled (MM Pro models and GT models) Replaces the Z16 key for ZWO ASI 1600MM Pro
ZCN ZCN ZWO ASI Color Not cooled (MC and MC S models)  
ZCP ZCP ZWO ASI Color Pro cooled (MC Pro models)  


The currently used keys Z12 and Z16 will be replaced. The camera key will be automatically corrected in your archive observations.

Clear skies


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